ANKLink®: The New Address Quality Tool
A 2005 National Customer Support Center presentation on the new ANKLink®, an enhancement to the 18-month NCOALink® product.
NCOALink® Statistics
This spreadsheet includes NCOALink statistics from 2007-2024 by licensee type.
NCOALink® Statistics
This spreadsheet includes NCOALink statistics from 2007-2024 by licensee type.
Licensing Fees
This document contains information about licensing fees for USPS® Licensed Products.
Licensing Fees
This document contains information about licensing fees for USPS® Licensed Products.
MPE (Mail Processing Equipment) Service Provider Licensees
Marketing contact information for certified Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) licensees
NCOALink® End User Monthly Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Schedule
This document provides information on the NCOALink® End User Monthly Fulfillment Schedule for EPF.
NCOALink® Licensed Interface Distributors
This document contains contact information for NCOALink® Licensed Interface Distributors.
NCOALink® Limited Service Provider Licensees
This document provides a list of service providers and contact information for NCOALink®. These providers receive 18 months of change-of-address (COA) data on a weekly basis from the USPS®. For the full 48 months of COA data refer to the NCOALink Full Service Provider Licensees.
NCOALink® Full Service Provider Licensees
This document contains information about NCOALink® Full Service Provider Licensees.
NCOALink® Certified Software Developers
This document contains contact information for NCOALink® Certified Software Developers.
NCOALink® with ANKLink® Service Providers
This document provides a list of service providers and contact information for NCOALink® with ANKLink®. These service providers have 18 months of Change-of-address (COA) data from the USPS®. In addition, they inform mailers if a move has occurred in months 19 - 48, but do not provide the new address.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Data User License Agreement
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink Product with Mail Processing Equipment.
NCOALink® End User License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product to an "End User Licensee".
NCOALink® Full Service Provider License Agreement v35 (7/15/2024)
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product to a "Full Service Licensee".
Modifications to NCOALink® Licenses
This document provides information on modifications to NCOALink® licenses.
NCOALink® Limited Service Provider License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product to a "Limited Service Licensee".
MPE Developer License
This agreement licenses the development of software interfaces for the NCOALink® Mail Processing Equipment.
NCOALink® Software Interface Distributor License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)
The software agreement for NCOALink® governs the distribution of licensee's certified NCOALink® software interface.
NCOALink® Software Developer License Agreement v28 (7/15/2024)
This agreement licenses the development of software interfaces for the NCOALink® product.
Modifications to NCOALink® MPE Licenses and Supporting Documents (7/15/2024)
This document provides information on licenses and supporting documents for Mail Processing Equipment for NCOALink®.
Modifications to NCOALink® Licenses
This document provides information on modifications to NCOALink® licenses.
MPE Interface Distribution License Agreement
This agreement governs the distribution of licensee's certified NCOALink® mail processing equipment software interface.
Guide to Move Update
The Move Update standard is a means of reducing the number of mailpieces in a mailing that require forwarding or return by the periodic matching of a mailer’s address records with change-of-address orders received and maintained by the Postal Service.
NCOALink® User Technical Reference Guide
This document is a technical reference guide for NCOALink®.
NCOALink® User Technical Reference Guide
This document is a technical reference guide for NCOALink®.
NCOALink® End User Performance Requirements
The purpose of these performance requirements is to establish standard criteria of performance with which USPS® requires NCOALink® End User Licensees to comply.
MPE DEV SPR: MPE Software Developer Software and Hardware Performance Requirements
This document defines software and hardware performance requirements for NCOALink® Mail Processing Equipment.
MPE Data User Licensee Performance Requirements
This document defines the licensee performance requirements for NCOALink® Data User Mail Processing Equipment.
NCOALink® Limited Service Provider Licensee Performance Requirements
The purpose of these performance requirements is to establish standard criteria of performance with which USPS® requires NCOALink® Limited Service Providers (“Licensees”) to comply.
NCOALink® Full Service Provider Performance Requirements
This document provides information on NCOALink® Full-Service provider licensee performance requirements.
NCOALink® Software Developer Performance Requirements for Service Provider
This document provides information about the NCOALink® software developer performance requirements.
NCOALink® Software Developer Performance Requirements for End User
The purpose of these performance requirements is to establish standard criteria of performance that USPS requires NCOALink Software Developers (“Developers”) to comply with.
A Complete Guide to Processing PAFs
PROCESSING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM (PAF) GUIDE United States Postal Service® Addressing and Geospatial Technology
A Complete Guide to Processing PAFs
PROCESSING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM (PAF) GUIDE United States Postal Service® Addressing and Geospatial Technology
Combined NCOALink® Processing Acknowledgement Form
Processing form that collects information required by each NCOALink® licensee for each of their NCOALink customers before providing service.
Mail Processing Agent NCOALink® Processing Acknowledgement Form
This is an NCOALink® Processing Acknowledgement form for the Mail Processing Agent.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Processing Acknowledgement Form
The collection of information on this Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) is required by the Privacy Act of 1974. The United States Postal Service® (USPS®) requires that each NCOALink® Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Service Provider Licensee has a completed NCOALink MPE PAF for each of their NCOALink MPE customers prior to providing the NCOALink MPE service.
Service Provider Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF)
This document is an NCOALink® processing acknowledgement form.
NCOALink® Reports Master File Descriptions
This document provides a master document for the USPS® NCOALink® Product Reporting Requirements.
NCOALink® Reports Master File Descriptions
This document provides a master document for the USPS® NCOALink® Product Reporting Requirements.
Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Web Access Request Form (PS 5116)
This form is used to create a Web-based account with the Addressing and Geospatial Technology (AGT) office which will be utilized to retrieve/download files from the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) website.
NCOALink® Associated Costs and Fees
This document provides information on the associated costs and fees for NCOALink®.
NCOALink® Software Interface Distributor Performance Requirements
The purpose of these performance requirements is to establish standard criteria of performance that USPS® requires NCOALink Software Interface Distribution Licensees to comply with.
NCOALink® Compliance Testing Form
This document contains the compliance testing form for the NCOALink® product.
NCOALink® Compliance Testing Form
This document contains the compliance testing form for the NCOALink® product.
Advertising Technical Guide
Advertising technical guide for licensed products.
Registration and Trademarks of USPS.
Advertising Technical Guide
Advertising technical guide for licensed products.
Continuity of Operations Site Certification Procedures (PDF)
This document provides a guide for NCOALink® continuity of site certification.
Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for NCOALink®
This document contains the Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for NCOALink®.
Service Provider Certification Procedures
This document provides NCOALink® Full and Limited Service Providers Definitions and Certification Procedures.
Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for NCOALink®
This document contains the Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for NCOALink®.
NCOALink® End User Certification Procedures
An End User is a licensee that uses the NCOALink® Product to update mailing lists for its own mailings.
NCOALink® Software Interface Distributor Certification Procedures
This document provides information on NCOALink® Software Interface Distribution Certification procedures.
NCOALink® Software Developer Certification Procedures
This document describes the process for a Developer to qualify for a license and certify an NCOALink software interface.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Data User Certification Procedures
This document contains NCOALink® Data User Mail Processing Equipment Certification procedures.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Interface Distribution Certification Procedures
The following material describes the process for an Applicant to qualify for a license to distribute NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) software.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Interface Distribution Licensee Performance Requirements
The purpose of these performance requirements is to establish standard criteria of performance that USPS requires NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Software Interface Distribution Licensees to comply with.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Software Interface Certification Procedures
The following material describes the process for an Applicant to qualify for a license and certify an NCOALink MPE software interface.
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on SHA-256 Conversion
As a reminder, the USPS has begun the conversion of its licensed products from SHA‐1 to SHA‐256. This conversion is based on an OIG (Office of Inspector General) recommendation to transition USPS Licensed Products to a more secure algorithm to comply with current USPS security policies.
Move Update Compliance for Non-U.S. Mailers FAQs
The U.S. Postal Service® has gathered some common questions asked by foreign mailers.
Reminder on the importance of Completing the PAF Accurately
It has come to the attention of the USPS® that some companies that are acting as Broker‐Agents for NCOALink® services are not completing the NCOALink Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) accurately.
Updated REST Web Services Documentation
The Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) REST Web Services document has been updated to include both USPS® and Akamai server calls.
Clarification to the Move Update Standard
This document contains information on the Move Update standards.
Licensing Announcement: Instructions on Submitting MPE Audit Test Decks for Grading
Reminder! All NCOALink® MPE Data User Licensees are required to return test answer files via Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF).
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on Processing NCOALink® MPE Audit Test Decks
A reminder for NCOALink® licenses to use current live ZIP+ 4 data when processing MPE audit decks.
NCOALink® and Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) User License Agreement
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product with Mail Processing Equipment.
Licensing Announcement: Updated NCOALink® MPE Performance Requirements
This document provides a licensing announcement for the updated NCOALink® MPE performance requirements.
Licensing Announcement: Zero Table Issues
Information as of April 19, 2016 concerning issues with the Zero Table for National Change of Address (NCOALink®) Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Data Users.
Reminder on Updated MPE Testing Requirements
This document provides updated MPE Testing Requirements.
NCOALink® Software Interface Distributor Required Text Document
This document contains the required text for NCOALink® Software Interface Distribution.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Interface Distribution Required Text Document
This document is a software interface distribution required text document for NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment Licensees.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Data User Required Text Document
This document is a required text document for NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment Service Provider data users.
Combined Required Text Documents (RTD)
This document contains the specified required documents for NCOALink®.
Service Provider Required Text Document
This document is a required text document for the NCOALink® Service Provider and the mailing list owner.
Licensing Announcement: Issue with Downloading Both SHA-1 and SHA-256 Products on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF)
This announcement details an issue with downloading both the SHA‐1 and SHA‐256 versions of the products using the SOAP Web Services (ColdFusion).
Mail Processing Agent Required Text
This document provides information on the NCOALink® Full-Service Provider Mail Processing Agent Package.
Full and Limited Service Provider NCOALink® with ANKLink® Required Text Document
Required text document for Full and Limited Service providers of NCOALink and ANKLink.
Licensing Announcement: SHA-256 Products on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF)
To comply with the recommendations from the December 2014 Office of Inspector (OIG) audit of the NCOALink® program, the USPS® will begin the transition from SHA‐1 to SHA‐256 technology as the method for data encryption.
Licensing Announcement: Clarification to Addresses on NCOALink® PAFs
In an effort to help clarify the PO Box address issues when the physical street is not provided or not valid on the ZIP + 4® database, this announcment provide guidelines to follow.
Licensing Announcement: Addresses on NCOALink® PAFs
As a reminder, all parties signing NCOALink Processing Acknowledgement Forms (PAFs) must provide a physical street address.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Onsite Reviews
In a coordinated effort that began in December 2014, the Licensing and Certification Department and United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) have teamed up to conduct NCOALink onsite reviews at Licensees’ site locations.
NCOALink® MPE Pricing Letter
This announcment indicates a change in NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment licensing fees.
NCOALink® Pricing Letter
This announcement indicates a change in NCOALink licensing fees.
Move Update at a Glance
Mailers who claim presorted or automation prices for First-Class Mail® or Standard Mail® must comply with the Move Update requirements using one of the approved address hygiene methods.
NCOALink® Weekly & EU Monthly Fulfillment
This document provides the weekly and monthly fulfillment for the NCOALink® product.
Postal Customer Council (PCC) Workshop: NCOA vs. ACS™: Which is Best?
This presentation provides a comparison of both NCOA and ACS.
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Server Migration
As a reminder, the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) website will be migrated to a new server Saturday, March 15.
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on NCOALink® Weekly Product Updates via Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF)
This licensing announcement is a reminder that weekly product updates for NCOALink are posted each Monday.
Alternative Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) Renewal Policy
The Alternative PAF renewal policy serves as an option to the existing PAF renewal policy.
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) for Large Files Beta Test
This licensing announcement serves as a reminder that the EPF for Large Files beta test concludes on Saturday, June 15, 2013.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Reporting Reminder
This licensing announcement covers new changes to NCOALink reporting compliance.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Reporting Requirements
Effective with the March 2013 reports, the USPS® will be validating the Monthly NCOALink reports for accuracy.
Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) for Large Files
As an effort to provide a more efficient method for USPS® product fulfillment, the USPS is seeking beta testers for a new electronic product fulfillment service.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® MPE Pricing Changes Reminder
This licensing announcement serves as a reminder that the NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) licensing fees will change on January 27, 2013.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Pricing Changes Reminder
This licensing announcement serves as a reminder, effective January 27, most of the NCOALink licensing fees will change.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® MPE Price Change
As a result of the USPS® Domestic and International Mailing Services Price Change, effective January 27, 2013, the NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) licensing fees will change.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Price Change
As a result of the USPS® Domestic and International Mailing Services Price Change, effective January 27, 2013, the NCOALink licensing fees will change.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Product Release #1044
It has been determined that delivery of NCOALink product release# 1044, that was shipped Tuesday, September 5, has been delayed.
Checklist for Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Certification
This document contains the checklist for MPE certification approval.
Licensing Announcement: PAF Requirements Reminder
As a reminder, NCOALink® and FASTforward® licensees are required by their license agreements to acquire a Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) for each of their customers.
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) Requirements
This document pertains to MPE Data Users; MPE Licensees who elect to return an electronic file to customers; and End Users processing in the WAN (cloud) environment.
Licensing Announcement: Issues with NCOALink® 48-Month Hash Data
The NCOALink® hash data product (release# 1025) contains the previous release’s data.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Price Changes
As a result of the USPS Domestic and International Mailing Services Price Change, effective January 22, 2012, the NCOALink® licensing fees will change.
NCOALink® Pricing Changes
Effective April 17, 2011, most of the NCOALink® licensing fees will change.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Release Number 930
The NCOALink® data fulfillment received this week was labeled with the incorrect release number.
NCOALink® Release Number 925
Regarding NCOALink® release number 925, there will be no additional moves out of ZIP™ codes that begin with ‘00’ and ‘33.’ This release is scheduled to be mailed the week of May 24.
Licensing Announcement: Loading NCOALink® Updates
Effective immediately, current data updates to the NCOALink® Product shall be installed no later than five (5) business days after receipt.
FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Annual Audit
Recently FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Data User Licensees were notified that MASS™ Cycle N has been deferred until August 1, 2011 and their MASS certification is valid through July 31, 2011.
NCOALink® Data Release #897
The NCOALink® data contained in data release #897 will include fewer records due to the expired records rolling off of the database.
NCOALink® Reporting and Technical Changes Required
The following changes were established during the NCOALink® Developer meetingheld in December 2008. These requirements should be implemented by all users byOctober 1, 2009.
NCOALink® Enhancement Advisement
In the continuing effort to provide greater value and product improvement, the US Postal Service® is pleased to announce the enhancement of the NCOALink® product with the inclusion of approximately two million additional change-of-address records.
NCOALink® Foreign Processing
The NCOALink® Full (section 4.4) and Limited Service (section 4.3) Provider License Agreements state the following: “Licensee agrees that it violates this Agreement to provide Services to an Entity located or operating outside of the Territory or using the Updated Mailing Lists outside of the Territory.”
Service Provider PAF and RTD
The NCOALink® Processing Acknowledgement Form has been updated to reflect the addition of the alternate PAF method.
Move Update: Are You In Compliance?
This presentation from March 2005 National Postal Forum (NPF) on move update compliance.
ANKLink® Request Form
This document contains the request form for the ANKLink® product.
Licensing Announcement: USPS® NCOALink® Full and Limited Service Licensees
This document contains announcements concerning NCOALink® product fulfillment for the week of February 18, product fulfillment schedule changes, and usage of current NCOALink PAFs.