Fact Sheets
Seamless Acceptance: Mailer Fact Sheet

Participation Criteria To participate in Seamless Acceptance all pieces must be uniquely barcoded, included in electronic documentation (eDoc) and mailers must meet the following requirements

User Guides
How to Submit Mail.XML Jobs to PostalOne!®

This guide provides step‐by‐step instructions for submitting electronic mailing information into the USPS® for Full‐Service letters & flats.

User Guides
How to Submit Mail.XML Jobs to Test Environment for Mailers (TEM)

This document contains information on how to submit Mail.

Tech Guides
Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide

The purpose of the Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide is to provide information on how to access and use electronic mailing reports and to keep the user apprised of the continuous improvements to the reports as the Intelligent Mail Program matures. 

Quick Service Guides
Fact Sheets
Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) Checklist and Troubleshooting

This document will help prepare customers to use electronic documentation to submit qualification reports and postage statements (commonly called eDoc) and for customers who are required to test in the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM).