Mailer Scorecard

The Mailer Scorecard provides a dashboard view of the results of the letter and flat mailing activity with the Postal Service over a calendar month. This view is available to both the mailer who submitted the electronic documentation for the mailing (eDoc submitter) and the mail owner/mail preparer. 

For more information on the mailer scorecard including the metrics and the assessment review process please see publication 685

Who is the Mailer Scorecard for?

Mail owners and Mail Service Providers participating in Full-Service.

First Class Mail

First Class Mail





Standard Mail

Standard Mail


For each of the initiatives a mailer is enrolled in, the Mailer Scorecard provides a dashboard view of all mailings submitted in a calendar month [NOTE: the term "mailer" is used to refer to the electronic documentation (eDoc) submitter who could be either the Mail Owner or the Mail Service Preparer].

Verifications continue to be performed and errors are calculated on the mailings submitted during that month up until the 10th day of the following month. This aggregated data is updated daily, measured against established thresholds.

Reports on the Mailer Scorecard provide a summary of mail preparation quality and a drill down view that allows mailers to view detailed error and warning information. The Scorecard is accessible through the Business Customer Gateway (BCG) and provides views for both Mail Owners and Mail Service Providers.

Featured Resources

Tech Guides
Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide

The purpose of the Electronic Mailing Information and Reports Guide is to provide information on how to access and use electronic mailing reports and to keep the user apprised of the continuous improvements to the reports as the Intelligent Mail Program matures. 

Fact Sheets
Request a Review of a Postage Assessment

This fact sheet instructs mailers on the steps required to request a review of a postage assessment.

Related Products

Electronic Documentation (eDoc)

To participate in Full-Service Intelligent Mail®, mailers must submit information electronically. This computer-consumable version replaces existing hardcopies and includes the following: postage statement and qualification report.


The electronic Induction (eInduction) process simplifies the induction of drop shipments and expedited plant load mailings by leveraging existing eDoc, Intelligent Mail Container barcode (IMcb), and handheld scanner technologies to verify payment and preparation of commercial mail containers.

Seamless Acceptance

Seamless Acceptance automates the entry and verification of commercial mailings by leveraging electronic documentation, Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMbs), and information collected from handheld sampling devices and mail processing equipment scans.

Electronic Verification System (eVS®)

The Electronic Verification System (eVS®) enables parcel mailers to submit documentation and pay postage by transmitting electronic manifest files to the eVS database.


For questions, please call 1-800-522-9085 or email