Barcode Decoder/Encoder

The IMb encoder and decoder tool allows you to convert Intelligent Mail® barcodes into numeric equivalents, or vice versa.

Barcode Decoder/Encoder

The IMb encoder and decoder tool allows you to convert Intelligent Mail® barcodes into numeric equivalents, or vice versa.

Quick Service Guides
Steps to Create the Intelligent Mail® Barcode

This document is a quick-reference guide for creating your Intelligent Mail® Barcodes.

Fact Sheets
Service Type Identifier (STID) Table Effective January 21, 2024

The STID (Service Type Identifier) is a three-digit numeric code used within the Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb™) on a mailpiece that identifies the address correction or other electronic services desired.

Share Mail™ FAQ

This document covers FAQs for Share Mail, including submission requirements, payments and reporting, and general product questions.

User Guides
Program Registration Online Enrollment User Guide

This document is intended for new users of the Online Enrollment Program Registration application.

Tech Guides
Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb) 4-State Specification

This document provides the specifications for generating and printing the Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb) used in the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mailstream.

Appendix B: ACS™ Frequently Asked Questions

This document provides frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about the Intelligent Mail® Barcode, Traditional ACS™, OneCode ACS™, Full Service ACS™, Single Source ACS™, and the Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb).

Fact Sheets
Barcode Identifier

This document provides an overview of Barcode Identifier field and a table of the optional endorsement line (OEL) codes for use within the Intelligent Mail barcode.

Fact Sheets
Barcode Identifier

This document provides an overview of Barcode Identifier field and a table of the optional endorsement line (OEL) codes for use within the Intelligent Mail barcode.

How to Work with Your Mail Preparer to Implement IMb Services

The agenda for this presentation includes your mailing practices, IMb™ Services overview, company decisions, your mail preparer, and the project plan.

User Guides
Intelligent Mail® Barcode Technical Resource Guide

This document contains the technical guide for Intelligent Mail® Barcode.

User Guides
Intelligent Mail® Barcode Technical Resource Guide

This document contains the technical guide for Intelligent Mail® Barcode.

Fact Sheets
Intelligent Mail® Barcode Resources

This document provides additional information and resources on IMb.