Tech Guides
ACS™ Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Download Manager Technical Guide

Documentation for the Client Side ACS™ EPF Download Manager software package.

Tech Guides
Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) ACS™ Technical Guide

Technical guide for users of Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) Address Change Services (ACS). Includes a solution overview, features, participation requirements, and service endorsement options.

Tech Guides
Traditional ACS™ with Shipper Paid Services Technical Guide

This document is a guide that provides technical information about Traditional ACS™ with shipper paid services.

Tech Guides
ACS™ File Format Technical Guide

This document contains the technical guide for ACS file format.

Tech Guides
OneCode ACS® Technical Guide

This guide provides technical references for OneCode ACS®.

Tech Guides
Traditional ACS™ Technical Guide

This document is a guide that provides technical information about Traditional ACS™.

Tech Guides
SingleSource ACS™ Technical Guide

This guide is a technical reference for SingleSource ACS. Includes how ACS works, participation requirements, and fulfillment files.

Tech Guides
Secure Destruction Technical Guide

A technical reference for implementing the Secure Destruction process.

Tech Guides
ACS™ Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Fulfillment File Access

Learn the different methods of accessing your ACS™ files from EPF.