Fact Sheets
Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) and Qualified Business Reply Mail

Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) is Business Reply Mail type that utilizes the enhanced processing capability of Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) to reduce processing times and ensure QBRM mailers receive reply mail and invoices quickly. IMbA is an automated solution for the counting, rating, invoicing, and billing processes. Using the Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) on the mailpiece, the mail processing equipment counts destinations approved and assigned to the mailer. Invoicing is sent daily, directly to PostalOne!.

Fact Sheets
Terms and Conditions for CASS™ End Users

This document outlines the terms and conditions for CASS™ certification for end users.

Fact Sheets
Terms and Conditions for CASS™ Software Developers

This document outlines the terms and conditions for CASS™ certification for developers.

Fact Sheets
MyMSSC Portal - Business Service Administrator (BSA) Instructions

After granting users access to the MyMSSC Portal in the Business Customer Gateway (BCG), Business Service Administrators (BSAs) are required to complete a few additional steps to enable users in the MyMSSC Portal.

Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets
Seamless Acceptance Undocumented Mail Fact Sheet

Provides insight into the source of undocumented error reporting, common causes, and best practices. For more information please see the Seamless Acceptance fact sheet and the Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats.

Fact Sheets
Full-Service Electronic Verification Automated Assessment Process Fact Sheet

In November 2016, the USPS began assessments for Full-Service Mail Quality Metrics determined to be over the established threshold in a calendar month. These assessments result in the removal of the Full-Service discount on those pieces exceeding the established threshold.

Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets
TotalDPS – Programmer Specs

This document provides information for calculating TotalDPS.