Fact Sheets
Service Performance Measurement Fact Sheet

This document provides information for Service Performance Measurement.

Fact Sheets
Customer Registration Identification (CRID) and Mailer Identifier (MID) Acquisition Fact Sheet

This document provides an overview of the methods customers can use to request a Mailer ID (MID) or Customer Registration ID (CRID) from the Postal Service.

Fact Sheets
USPS Picture Permit® Indicia (PPI) Fact Sheet

A quick overview of the benefits of PPi, how to participate, and who to contact with questions. 

Fact Sheets
Direct Effect® Innovation Challenge Overview

This one-pager provides a summary describing the Direct Effect Innovation Challenge format.

Fact Sheets
Direct Effect® Infographic

Infographic of the role of Direct Mail in integrated marketing.

Fact Sheets
Direct Effect® - Preparing Students for Modern Integrated Marketing

Summary document providing an overview of USPS Academic Outreach, and Direct Effect Direct Marketing Curriculum.

Fact Sheets
Mailer Assistance Checklist

This checklist has been developed to assist mailers interested in taking advantage of the new USPS® Secure Destruction Mail Service offering. The checklist can be used as a guide for the steps interested mailers should take prior to registering for the SD Service.