Intelligent Mail Tray Label Technical Fact Sheet
This document provides fact sheet providing technical specifications on the acquisition, implementation, and benefits of the Intelligent Mail Tray Label.
Mailpiece Design Analyst (MDA) Customer Service Help Desk Brochure
An overview brochure for the MDA Customer Service Help Desk, including services, benefits, and contact information.
Mailer Identifier (MID) Exception Process
The Postal Service will issue a Mailer Identifier (MID) to a mailer for use in the Intelligent Mail® container barcode, Intelligent Mail® tray barcode, Intelligent Mail® barcode or Intelligent Mail® package barcode. The MID is a field within the Intelligent Mail barcodes and is used to identify the mailer.
Full-Service Certified Mail Service Providers (MSP) Information Sheet
The list of certified MSPs is updated frequently. To ensure that you have the most current list of certified MSPs visit https://postalpro.usps.com/certifiedmsps
Move Update Methods Requirements Fact Sheet
This fact sheet identifies the variety of products and services that help improve the accuracy of mailing lists, the quality of the physical addresses, and provide Change-of-Address (COA) information.
Full-Service Palletization Fact Sheet
The following guidelines should be followed when determining if a pallet should be prepared and placarded.
Addressing Fact Sheet for Package Services Flats
This document is for mailers who are sending Flat-size Bound Printed Matter (such as catalogs) using the Presorted or Carrier Route prices or Flat-size Media Mail or Library Mail (such as large envelopes) using the Presorted prices.