Intelligent Mail Matrix Barcode (IMmb) Technical Specifications
Shipping labels on irregularly-shaped packages, softpacks, and polybags can easily become distorted or creased during automated parcel processing making reading the traditional, linear IMpb barcode challenging to scan. USPS has developed the IMmb to help overcome these challenges and improve package visibility. IMmb barcodes contain the same data as is in the IMpb barcode; however, they use a more robust, space-efficient robust barcode symbology for encodation. The smaller barcode footprint allows two IMmb barcodes to be added within unused areas of existing standard shipping labels. The result is redundancy of the barcode data giving sorters two additional chances to read the barcode.
The US Postal Service® recommends incorporating the IMmb on all package shipping labels and it will soon become a requirement for HAZMAT shipments.
TED-C Mailpieces & Informed Delivery®
To ensure die-cut visibility for Informed Delivery® recipients, the leftmost edge of the die-cut extension must be in Zone C of the TED-C Letter Template. If the die-cut extension's leftmost edge is not in ZONE C, it may be acceptable to mail, but there may not be any visibility of the die-cut in Informed Delivery® for recipients.
Trailing Edge Die-Cut (TED-C) Process for Eligibility at Automation Letter Prices
This advisory provides the process for getting approval to mail a non-rectangular trail edge die-cut (TED-C) letter-size mailpieces at the applicable automation letter prices.
2024 Informed Delivery Promotion Technical Implementation-v4.3
This document outlines the technical requirements needed to successfully claim the Informed Delivery discount through PostalOne! eDoc.
Informed Delivery Mail.XML Mailer Guide
This is a guide for submitting campaigns to PostalOne! via Mail.XML electronic documentation (eDoc).