Applications/ Forms
Address Element Correction (AEC) & AEC II Processing Request Form

Processing form for AEC and AEC II products.

Applications/ Forms
Customer Outage Questionnaire

Use this document to report an outage.  Please send to and denote the e-mail as high importance.

Applications/ Forms
Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Data User License Agreement

This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink Product with Mail Processing Equipment.

Applications/ Forms
Applications/ Forms
Customer Appeal Letter Template

This letter template should be used by customers appealing a local ruling.

The customer completes the letter and submits it locally where the initial ruling they are appealing was made. The template includes a checklist for the customer to ensure that appropriate supporting documentation is provided along with the appeal letter.

For additional information regarding rulings on mailing standards and appeals of those rulings go to DMM 607.2.0

Applications/ Forms
JACKPOT CRID/MID Application for Mail Service Providers

Full-Service eDoc submitters are required to accurately identify the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer in the eDoc. Currently, MSPs often profile volumes that meet the less than 5,000 piece By/For Exception as themselves being the Mail Owner.  This causes By/For error code 7140 (Mail Owner and Mail Preparer are the same entity) to be logged.

MSP’s who prepare mailings that include multiple mail owners in a mailing with less than 5,000 pieces per owner and are meeting 90% Full-Service of eligible volume, may request authorization to use a  JACKPOT CRID/MID for identification of this volume. Correct use of this authorized JACKPOT CRID/MID will eliminate error code 7140 reporting for mailers that are preparing mail under the By/For Exception rule when a mail owner is presenting fewer than 5,000 pieces to the USPS in a mailing.

To apply please email this application with the Subject Line "Jackpot CRID" with Company Name, Zip Code, and Current CRID" to

Applications/ Forms
NCOALink® Software Developer License Agreement v28 (7/15/2024)

This agreement licenses the development of software interfaces for the NCOALink® product.

Applications/ Forms
NCOALink® End User License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)

This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product to an "End User Licensee".

Applications/ Forms
NCOALink® Software Interface Distributor License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)

The software agreement for NCOALink® governs the distribution of licensee's certified NCOALink® software interface.

Applications/ Forms
NCOALink® Limited Service Provider License Agreement v29 (7/15/2024)

This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product to a "Limited Service Licensee".