PS Form 5113: Barcode Certification Customer Application
This application form is for the following certification programs: Delivery Confirmation, Parcel Barcode, Parcel Return Services, Express Mail, Flat Container Label, International Customs, Sack Container Label, International Customs, Sack Container Label, Special Services, and Signature Confirmation Services.
Address Element Correction (AEC) Calculator Instructions
Instructions for using the AEC calculator, which estimates the potential return on investment for mailers utilizing AEC/AECII® service.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Pricing Changes Reminder
This licensing announcement serves as a reminder, effective January 27, most of the NCOALink licensing fees will change.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® MPE Pricing Changes Reminder
This licensing announcement serves as a reminder that the NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) licensing fees will change on January 27, 2013.
Sample AIS Order Form reflecting RDI™
This document contains the Sample AIS Order Form reflecting RDI™.
Transition of the RDI™ Product to an AIS
To facilitate the needs of the mailing industry, the USPS® has decided to categorize the RDI™ Product as an AIS (Address Information System) data product, effective January 27, 2013. As a result of this change, the parcel shipping requirement, as well as the RDI License Agreement, will be eliminated.
IMpb ACS and IMpb ACS with Shipper Paid Services
This document provides information on IMpb ACS and IMpb ACS with Shipper Paid Services. Currently ACS with Shipper Paid Forwarding (SPF) is only available via the Traditional ACS method.
Barcode Identifier
This document provides an overview of Barcode Identifier field and a table of the optional endorsement line (OEL) codes for use within the Intelligent Mail barcode.
ACS™ Announcement: Traditional ACS™ Service Type ID FAQ
This document details frequently asked questions regarding the Traditional ACS required change.
PS Form 5114: Barcode Certification Printer Submission Form
This certification application is for printers interested in participating in any of the following services: Delivery Confirmation™, Express Mail®, Flat Container Label, International Customs, Parcel Barcodes, Parcel Return Services (PRS), Sack Container Label, Signature Confirmation™, Special Services, Tray Container Label.