Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software (Windows7)
This document contains Windows 7 Conversion software for the CDS product.
Manifest Analysis Certification (MAC™)/MAC Gold™ Customer Charge Form
This document is a charge form for MAC™/MAC Batch™.
Multiline Optical Character Readers (MLOCR) Presentation of Residual Mail
This document provides a presentation of the Commercial Residual Mail Portion from an MLOCR Presorted orAutomation Letter First-Class Mail.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Reporting Requirements
Effective with the March 2013 reports, the USPS® will be validating the Monthly NCOALink reports for accuracy. Licensees and vendors will be required to provide corrected reports to the USPS in accordance with the Licensee Performance Requirements.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Reporting Reminder
This licensing announcement covers new changes to NCOALink reporting compliance.
First-Class Mail® (FCM) Residuals
This document contains facts and information on First-Class Mail residuals.
Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) for Large Files
As an effort to provide a more efficient method for USPS® product fulfillment, the USPS is seeking beta testers for a new electronic product fulfillment service.
Backorder Process Guide
Backorders allow Mailers to know when an order cannot be filled by the original sourcing due to lack of inventory. This document outlines the backorder process.
Order Details Overview
The following document is designed to help you to understand the order detail page and associated information.
PS Form 5113: Barcode Certification Customer Application
This application form is for the following certification programs: Delivery Confirmation, Parcel Barcode, Parcel Return Services, Express Mail, Flat Container Label, International Customs, Sack Container Label, International Customs, Sack Container Label, Special Services, and Signature Confirmation Services.