Approved Mailer Alternative Mail Transport Equipment (MTE)
When the Postal Service™ is unable to provide Mail Transport Equipment (MTE) due to a shortage of equipment at Processing and Distribution Centers or Mail Transport Equipment Service Centers (MTESC), mailers may request an exception to prepare mailings using approved alternative containers.
Licensing Announcement: DSF2® Throwback Table Expansion
In an effort to provide value added enhancements to the traditional P.O. Box™ service, 3,700 postal locations are adding ‘P.O. Box Street Addresses’ (PBSA) to the AMS database.
FAST® Customer User Guide (Drop Ship)
This guide describes how to use the FAST functions. It explains search fields and reports, while providing detailed instructions for completing searches and viewing report details. You'll find helpful notes on maximizing FAST capabilities.
FAST®: Customer User Guide (Origin Entry)
This guide describes how to use the FAST Origin Entry functions. It provides a detailed explanation of creating and managing Just In Time (JIT) One-Time appointments, JIT Recurring appointments, and viewing closeout information. The guide also explains how to create and access reports, and it contains important notes about security in the Origin Entry application.
Customer-Supplier Agreement (CSA) Simplification Job Aid
The purpose of this document is to define the simplification changes to Customer/ Supplier Agreements (CSAs) effective November 6, 2011. As part of the ongoing simplification effort, CSAs have been modified to only contain the information necessary for First-Class separations.
Electronic Verification System (eVS®) Product Tracking System (PTS) Test Environment for Mailers (TEM) Guide
This document contains eVS® PTS TEM guidelines and instructions.
Resource Map to Intelligent Mail Documents
This document shows where to find major resources related to intelligent mail.
SuiteLink® Requirement Modification
The Postal Service® is modifying the current CASS™ Cycle N requirement that to qualify for an automation price, mailers must show on the mailpiece the suite number returned by SuiteLink® processing used to determine the correct ZIP +4™ code.
Creating FAST® Appointments for Mixed Periodicals
This document provides an overview of FAST® appointments for mixed periodicals.
Drop Ship Checklist for Mailers
This document contains the Drop Ship checklist for mailers utilizing eVS®.