Tech Guides
Appendix B: Universal Name/Address Record

This appendix to the PAVE technical guide contains information on universal name / address record for BMA certification.

Tech Guides
eVS® File Format v1.6

Appendix A-1: Shipping Services File Version 1.6 File Layout Specification (as of 10/19/2016.)

Tech Guides
Mail.XML 12.0B Technical Specification FAST®

This document contains information pertaining to Mail.XML release version 12.0B and the following USPS FAST Releases: Release 27 January 2014, Release 28 August/September 2014, Release 30 January 2015, Release 31 May 2015, Release 32 January 2016, Release 34 September 2016

Tech Guides
USPS® Verification of Periodicals Advertising Percentage

The Postal Service requires publishers, qualifying for Periodicals mailing privileges, to provide the percentage of advertising and non-advertising content for each issue to determine the pound price charge (DMM of the mailing.

Tech Guides
Destination Entry Service Standards FY17 Q1 (Excel)

This spreadsheet details destination entry service standards for Q1 FY17.

Tech Guides
Destinating Service Standards FY17 Q1 (TXT)

This .txt file details destinating service standards for Q1 FY17.

Tech Guides
Destinating Service Standards FY17 Q1 (Excel)

This spreadsheet details destinating service standards for Q1 FY17.