Quick Service Guides
USPS® Container Requirements for Adult Birds

This document describes requirements for bird containers, which must be designed with consideration of the birds' comfort, awareness, health, and welfare.

Quick Service Guides
Backorder Process Guide

Backorders allow Mailers to know when an order cannot be filled by the original sourcing due to lack of inventory. This document outlines the backorder process.

Quick Service Guides
Order Details Overview

The following document is designed to help you to understand the order detail page and associated information.

Quick Service Guides
Address Element Correction (AEC) Calculator Instructions

Instructions for using the AEC calculator, which estimates the potential return on investment for mailers utilizing AEC/AECII® service.

Quick Service Guides
Checklist for Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) Certification

This document contains the checklist for MPE certification approval.

Quick Service Guides
Approved Mailer Alternative Mail Transport Equipment (MTE)

When the Postal Service™ is unable to provide Mail Transport Equipment (MTE) due to a shortage of equipment at Processing and Distribution Centers or Mail Transport Equipment Service Centers (MTESC), mailers may request an exception to prepare mailings using approved alternative containers.

Quick Service Guides
Customer-Supplier Agreement (CSA) Simplification Job Aid

The purpose of this document is to define the simplification changes to Customer/ Supplier Agreements (CSAs) effective November 6, 2011. As part of the ongoing simplification effort, CSAs have been modified to only contain the information necessary for First-Class separations.

Quick Service Guides
Quick Service Guides
DPV®, DSF2®, CASS™ Grading Requirements

This document contains grading requirements for DPV®, DSF2®, and CASS™ products.