CASS™ Cycle N Partnership in Tomorrow Presentation
This Partnership in Tomorrow presentation reviews CASS/MASS Cycle M and N requirements.
Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb) Resources
This fact sheet provides a listing of Intelligent Mail Barcode resources.
Automating Flat Mail Preparation in the Future (wmv)
This document contains information for future state of Flat Mail Preparation.
Maximizing Postage Savings & Delivery for Small Volume Periodicals (Powerpoint)
This presentation provides information on Maximizing Postage Savings & Delivery for Small Volume Periodicals.
Licensing Announcement: Loading NCOALink® Updates
Effective immediately, current data updates to the NCOALink® Product shall be installed no later than five (5) business days after receipt.
FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Annual Audit
Recently FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Data User Licensees were notified that MASS™ Cycle N has been deferred until August 1, 2011 and their MASS certification is valid through July 31, 2011.
NCOALink® Data Release #897
The NCOALink® data contained in data release #897 will include fewer records due to the expired records rolling off of the database.
CASS™ and MASS™ Cycle N Deferment Letter
The implementation date for CASS/MASS Cycle N is being deferred to August 1, 2011.
Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF).ZIP
This document contains the CRLF data file (ZIP).