Technical Specifications
Automated Undocumented Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) Review Process

The Automated Undocumented Intelligent Mail Barcode Matching Process will depend on SASP being provided with a standardized .txt file of IMbs.  The .txt file should include each IMb to investigate on a separate line within the file, and ONLY those IMbs. 

IMbs must follow the formatting below and contain no leading nor trailing characters:


The file names must also be standardized, consisting of the ServiceNow ticket number, the Invoiced CRID, the Invoice Month in “MMDDYYYY” format, and the USPS Analyst Name, with a single underscore (“_”) between each element.  Each file will consist of requests for a single invoiced CRID and invoice month.  This means that larger mailers with multiple CRIDs may have multiple files to submit for one Invoice Month.

The attached .txt file shows an example request file submitted by Mailer for the CRID 123456 for the May 2020 invoice month, USPS Analyst Sheree Tamaklo, tied to ServiceNow ticket MAM0000001.

Please submit the completed .txt file to the USPS Analyst you are currently working with.