Clemson University Academic Outreach Video

In 2018 a trial student contest was initiated at Clemson with graphic communication students. The contest was developed as part a creative inquiry course offering, and included three teams of students who developed multi-channel campaigns for real corporate clients. View the video to hear about the contest and what students learned from the experience.

Bentley University Academic Outreach Video

Coursework has been developed through a relationship with Bentley University to help teach students the skills that enable them to integrate direct mail in an integrated omnichannel marketing campaign. Hear from the professor and students about their experience in the course.

Nonprofit Marketing Mail with Notes

Nonprofit mail is a cost-effective way for authorized nonprofit organizations to communicate with members, donors and supporters or potential members, donors and supporters. A postcard, letter, flat or even a dimensional mailpiece can provide a central message that demonstrates the fundamental purpose of that organization to drive memberships, sponsorships, as well as donations.

Nonprofit Marketing Mail

Nonprofit mail is a cost-effective way for authorized nonprofit organizations to communicate with members, donors and supporters or potential members, donors and supporters. A postcard, letter, flat or even a dimensional mailpiece can provide a central message that demonstrates the fundamental purpose of that organization to drive memberships, sponsorships, as well as donations.