L012 5 Digit ZIP Scheme Combination
The 5-Digit ZIP Scheme Combination Labeling List contains a listing of 5-digit ZIP Code schemes. The schemes represent ZIP Codes that are processed and finalized on the same piece of equipment at the same time at USPS plants and delivery units. 5-Digit ZIP Scheme Combinations labeling list will enable qualification for 5-digit automation prices for letters by providing grouping of ZIP Codes to combine mailings that would appear in a single tray.
L005 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups: SCF Sortation
L005 describes the service area by individual 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for mail destined to a sectional center facility (SCF).
L004 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups: ADC Sortation
L004 describes the service area by individual 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for mail destined to an area distribution center (ADC).
L003 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups: 3-Digit Scheme Sortation
L003 describes the 3-digit automation letters scheme sortation ZIP Code prefix list for trayed mail.
L002 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Matrix
L002 lists every 3-digit Zip Code prefix for mail destined to 3-digit, 3-digit scheme, and sectional center facility (SCF) destinations.
Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) Order Form
This document provides an order form for eLOT.
ACS™ Product Information Guide: Publication 8
A complete overview of Address Change Services: eligibility, benefits, implementation, and technical specifications.