Postal Customer Council (PCC) Workshop: The Power of Mail
Marketers spend $44.5 billion annually on direct mail campaigns. Here's why: studies have found that 65% of consumers have made a purchase as the result of a Direct Mail piece. In this presentation, you will learn how to use direct mail to acquire and retain customers.
USPS® Operations Overview: Kelly Sigmon
This presentation was held at hte Great Lakes Area - August 20, 2015 Meeting.
Postal Customer Council (PCC) Workshop: Pickup Service
This presentation includes information on Eligible Products, Service on USPS.com, Scheduling a Pickup on USPS.com, Bulk File Upload Package Pickup, Scheduling Pickup On Demand on USPS.com, and Editing a Pickup Request on USPS.com.
Postal Customer Council (PCC) Workshop: USPS® Returns
This presentation provides information on returns market and opportunity.
Licensing Announcement: NCOALink® Onsite Reviews
In a coordinated effort that began in December 2014, the Licensing and Certification Department and United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) have teamed up to conduct NCOALink onsite reviews at Licensees’ site locations.
Program Registration Incentives Enrollment User Guide
This guide will help you to enroll for an incentive program. The initial enrollment takes several steps and expedites enrollment for subsequent incentive programs.
NCOALink® MPE Pricing Letter
This announcment indicates a change in NCOALink Mail Processing Equipment licensing fees.
NCOALink® Pricing Letter
This announcement indicates a change in NCOALink licensing fees.
ACS™ Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Fulfillment File Access
Learn the different methods of accessing your ACS™ files from EPF.
ACS™ Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) File Access
Instructions for accessing ACS Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) files.