Tech Guides
Dimensioned Layouts for the 4" x 7" Self-Adhesive Container Barcode Format

Currently, the USPS® is recommending two form factors for the Container Label. View dimensioned layouts for the recommended placement of information for the 4" x 7" self-adhesive format. 

Tech Guides
Dimensioned Layouts for the 8"min x 11" Container Barcode Format

Currently, the USPS® is recommending two form factors for the Container Label. View dimensioned layouts for the recommended placement of information on the 8"min x11" format.

Tech Guides
Click-N-Ship Business ProTM (CNS BPro) External User Guide

Click-N-Ship Business ProTM is a desktop software application that allows customers to generate and print package labels with the Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb). Customers can electronically create and submit a shipping manifest, and pay for those packages through an electronic payment account with funds automatically debited as manifests are received.

Tech Guides
ACS™ Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Fulfillment File Access

Learn the different methods of accessing your ACS™ files from EPF.

Tech Guides
A Guide to Full Service

This guide will assist users in complying with Section 705.24 and others in the Mailing Standards of the U.S. Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) that involve the requirements of two Federal Register notices on the use of Full-Service Intelligent Mail to qualify for automation prices when the mail pieces are First-Class, Standard, Periodicals, or Bound Printed Matter.

Tech Guides
Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb) 4-State Specification

This document provides the specifications for generating and printing the Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb) used in the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mailstream. The IMb is also known as the USPS OneCode Solution or USPS 4-State Customer Barcode (abbreviated 4CB, 4-CB, or USPS4CB). This document provides information for software developers and users alike on the creation and printing of compliant IMb. It describes the symbology, format, fields, values and other characteristics of the Postal Service IMb.

Tech Guides
International Service Center (ISC) Zone Chart Technical Guide

This document contains information about the technical guide for ISC Zone Chart.

Tech Guides
SuiteLink® User Technical Reference

This document provides software developers a technical guide for SuiteLink®.

Tech Guides
Container, Tray, and Bundle Visibility User Guide

This user guide shows mailers how to obtain Container, Tray, and Bundle tracking information. 

Tech Guides
Appendix C: Sample Qualification Reports

This document contains a list of sample qualification reports for PAVE™ (Presort Accuracy, Validation, and Evaluation.)