Quick Service Guides
Withdraw Order Guide

The document outlines how to use the Withdraw Order function, which allows users to easily remove orders from MTEOR.

Quick Service Guides
Replicate Order Guide

This document provides informatino on replicating orders allows users to quickly and easily place orders with similar MTE requests.

Quick Service Guides
MTEOR Requesting from a Plant: FAQ

This document lists general frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ's) for placing a request from a postal plant.

Quick Service Guides
MTE Request Details Overview

The following document is designed to help users understand the request details page and associated information.

Quick Service Guides
Replicate MTE Request

This document explains how the “Replicate Request” function allows users to easily duplicate a request on their MTEOR Dashboard for future pick up or delivery.

Quick Service Guides
Withdraw MTE Request

This document explains how the “Withdraw Request” function allows users to easily remove requests from MTEOR after they have been placed.

Quick Service Guides
Origin IMb Tracing® Customer Instructions

These instructions are for Origin IMb Tracing customers who want to participate in the Earned Value Promotion and whose MID does not appear in the IMb™ on their CRM and BRM mailpieces.

Quick Service Guides
Alternative Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) Renewal Policy

The Alternative PAF renewal policy serves as an option to the existing PAF renewal policy. The two models enable licensees to choose an option that best suits their business needs.

Quick Service Guides
Place MTE Request Instructions

This document outlines the necessary steps to place a MTE request.

Quick Service Guides
Quick Step Guide to Mailer Identifier (MID) and/or CRID Acquisition

This document provides an overview of how to acquire nine-digit Mailer Identifiers (MIDs) and/or Customer Registration IDs (CRIDs), which are used to identify and track Full-Service mailings.