FAST® Label List Test Data
This document provides test data files for FAST Label Lists.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Mail.XML™ Test Message SSL Certificate
This ZIP file includes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for MailXML™ test pull messages in the IV-MTR application. This certificate is necessary when using Mail.XML pull messages to receive mail tracking data from the IV application.
Postal Customer Council (PCC) Insider
This document provides PCC insider related information (memebership, education, communication, policy administration, and notices).
Licensing Announcement: Reminder on Processing NCOALink® MPE Audit Test Decks
A reminder for NCOALink® licenses to use current live ZIP+ 4 data when processing MPE audit decks.
NCOALink® and Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) User License Agreement
This agreement licenses the use of the NCOALink® product with Mail Processing Equipment.
Licensing Announcement: Updated NCOALink® MPE Performance Requirements
This document provides a licensing announcement for the updated NCOALink® MPE performance requirements.
Q-004 MAC Batch Cycle Q Advisory
This document provides information on the PAVE™/MAC Batch™ Cycle Q Advisory update.
Q-004 Presort Accuracy, Validation, and Evaluation (PAVE) Cycle Q Advisory
This document provides information on advisory for PAVE™ certification.
Full-Service Audit Elements: Mailer Version
This document includes an audit checklist for mailers' interested in qualifying for Platinum Full-Service Certification.
Postal Service eDoc Error Codes: Mail.xml Validations
This documente provides spreadsheet data on eDoc Mail.xml validations.