PCC Mentoring Program
There are many ways for one PCC to help another PCC. Advising, sharing, collaborating, co-hosting, partnering, and pooling resources are just a few suggestions. Many PCC interactions are casual or situational and do not need a formal basis to be beneficial. However, when a PCC decides that they would like to enter into a more formal relationship with another PCC – then the relationship may benefit both parties by adding more structure.
PCC Charter Application
The PCC charter application is required to be submitted to the National PCC team and the local Postal Service District Manager in order to become a local PCC group.
PCC By-laws Template
This document lists the recommended bylaws for local postal customer councils. It is intended as a guide for local PCCs to follow.
L801 AADCs: Letter-Size Mailings
L801 describes the service area by individual 3-digit ZIP Code prefix for automation rate letter-size mailings.
Reminder on the importance of Completing the PAF Accurately
It has come to the attention of the USPS® that some companies that are acting as Broker‐Agents for NCOALink® services are not completing the NCOALink Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) accurately.
Updated REST Web Services Documentation
The Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) REST Web Services document has been updated to include both USPS® and Akamai server calls.
Mobile Shopping Promotion Requirements
This document includes background and program description, parameters, eligibility requirements, technical information, as well as contact information for Mobile Promotion.
Postal Explorer
Postal Explorer contains the standards for nonprofit, domestic mail, international mail, hazardous, restricted and perishable mail, Labeling lists, and Notice 123.08/25/2016
International Mailers Advisory Group
The International Mailers Advisory Group mission is to address barriers to the efficient flow of information and goods across borders for companies utilizing postal services.08/24/2016