Seamless Incentive Report
This guide displays the details of the Seamless Incentive report in PostalOne!. Additional reporting is available in the Enterprise Payment System.
Mailer Identifier (MID) Exception Process
The Postal Service will issue a Mailer Identifier (MID) to a mailer for use in the Intelligent Mail® container barcode, Intelligent Mail® tray barcode, Intelligent Mail® barcode or Intelligent Mail® package barcode. The MID is a field within the Intelligent Mail barcodes and is used to identify the mailer.
Mailer Identifier (MID) Application Process
The Postal Service will issue a Mailer Identifier (MID) to mail owners and mailing agents for use in the Intelligent Mail® container barcode, Intelligent Mail® tray barcode, or Intelligent Mail® barcode.
eVS® File Format v2.0
Appendix C: Shipping Services File Version 2.0 (as of 12/31/2020).
eVS® File Format v1.7
Appendix B: Shipping Services File Version 1.7 (as of 12/31/2020).
Mailer Identifier (MID) Application
Complete the following application to request a Mailer Identifier (MID) for use in the Intelligent Mail® container barcode, Intelligent Mail® tray barcode, or Intelligent Mail® barcode. The information provided will not be disclosed outside the Postal Service.
January 31, 2021 PostalOne! System Release Notes
The PostalOne! System was updated to properly handle the case where both a Value Added Refund (VAR) and a Seamless Incentive discount (in the form of a refund) are pending on the same postage statement. Previously, the Seamless Incentive discount failed for this scenario, as the process was not equipped to handle multiple refund types on a single postage statement.