Data Files
Contact Lists
NCOALink® Limited Service Provider Licensees

This document provides a list of service providers and contact information for NCOALink®. These providers receive 18 months of change-of-address (COA) data on a weekly basis from the USPS®. For the full 48 months of COA data refer to the NCOALink Full Service Provider Licensees.

User Guides
Domestic Merchant Returns API: User Guide

This user guide provides examples of XML transactions to the USPS Merchant Returns web service and guidance for installation.

Contact Lists
NCOALink® with ANKLink® Service Providers

This document provides a list of service providers and contact information for NCOALink® with ANKLink®. These service providers have 18 months of Change-of-address (COA) data from the USPS®. In addition, they inform mailers if a move has occurred in months 19 - 48, but do not provide the new address. The mailer will need to contact the Full Service Provider licensees to obtain the new address data for months 19 - 48.

Data Files
June 2024 Nixie Volume

This spreadsheet contains the UAA statistics for June 2024.

Data Files
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Operation Codes List

This spreadsheet provides a list of operation codes (opcodes), also known as Scan Event Codes, for the IV-MTR application.

Contact Lists
MPE (Mail Processing Equipment) Service Provider Licensees

Marketing contact information for certified Mail Processing Equipment (MPE) licensees 

Release Notes