Licensing Announcement: Loading NCOALink® Updates
Effective immediately, current data updates to the NCOALink® Product shall be installed no later than five (5) business days after receipt.
FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Annual Audit
Recently FASTforward®/LPE and NCOALink® MPE Data User Licensees were notified that MASS™ Cycle N has been deferred until August 1, 2011 and their MASS certification is valid through July 31, 2011.
NCOALink® Data Release #897
The NCOALink® data contained in data release #897 will include fewer records due to the expired records rolling off of the database.
CASS™ and MASS™ Cycle N Deferment Letter
The implementation date for CASS/MASS Cycle N is being deferred to August 1, 2011.
Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF).ZIP
This document contains the CRLF data file (ZIP).
Use of PCC Logo and other Postal Service Intellectual Property
The Postal Service brand is much more than a logo or a word. It’s the sum of all the tangible and intangible characteristics in verbal and visual messaging that makes Postal Service products and services unique to consumers, employees and other stakeholders.
NCOALink® Reporting and Technical Changes Required
The following changes were established during the NCOALink® Developer meetingheld in December 2008. These requirements should be implemented by all users byOctober 1, 2009.
Traditional ACS™ MOD 10 Keyline Utility with Microsoft Excel®
ACS™ MOD 10 Keyline Utility utilizing Microsoft Excel®
NCOALink® Enhancement Advisement
In the continuing effort to provide greater value and product improvement, the US Postal Service® is pleased to announce the enhancement of the NCOALink® product with the inclusion of approximately two million additional change-of-address records.
Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for LACSLink®
This document provides information on Licensing and Certification Key Personnel Form for LACSLink®.