Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR)
Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) is a near real-time, single source for all domestic-bound mail and mail aggregate tracking information.
Who is IV-MTR for?
Commercial mailers who are tracking domestic-bound barcoded letters, flats, bundles, handling units (trays, tubs, and sacks), and containers
First Class Mail
Standard Mail
Latest Updates
IV-MTR provides the mailing industry with powerful insight into the Postal mailstream. The application:
- Provides near real-time mail tracking data for domestic-bound letters and flats
- Leverages the intelligence of Full-Service Intelligent Mail® and nesting associations to create assumed handling events
- Offers logical handling events, such as logical delivery events, based on business rules
- Provides multiple data file formats and delivery methods
- Enables roles and permissions management to determine a user's application functionality and data visibility
- Offers flexible data delegation to receive and provide data visibility
With IV-MTR, the mailing industry can leverage key information about their mailings to manage operations, refine processes, and adjust marketing campaigns as needed.
Release Schedule
Note: The IV-MTR team schedules approximately one release per month, though frequency may vary. Scope details are subject to change. This list is kept up to date.
Release |
Scope |
February 1, 2025 |
January 11, 2025 |
December 14, 2024 |
November 2, 2024 |
August 24, 2024 |
August 3, 2024 |
July 13, 2024 |
June 30, 2024 |
June 1, 2024 |
April 13, 2024 |
October 28, 2023 |
March 26, 2022 |
Future Enhancements |
IV-MTR Latest News
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides an overview of the benefits of the IV-MTR application and where to go for more information.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Release Notes
These release notes summarize new features and enhancements implemented in deployments to the IV-MTR application.
Getting Started with IV-MTR
Orientation Training for Informed Visibility® - Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR)
This presentation provides an introduction to the IV-MTR application, including its purpose, user access, layout, navigation controls, and support resources.
Applying for Access to Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR)
This presentation provides instructions for applying for access to the IV Mail Tracking & Reporting application (IV-MTR). The instructions include how to register for a Business Customer Gateway (BCG) account, add the IV-MTR service in the BCG, and how to sign in to the IV-MTR portal to begin using the service.
Quick Start Guide for Informed Visibility® - Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR)
This document provides high-level instructions for completing One-Time Queries and Data Feeds in the IV-MTR application.
IV-MTR User Guides and Training
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) User Guide
The User Guide describes the prerequisites for receiving mail tracking data through IV-MTR, the data provisioning options available, and how to use the application for tracking commercial domestic-bound barcoded letters and flats.
Provisioning Enterprise Payment (EPS) and USPS Ship (formerly Package Platform (PPC)) Data through Informed Visibility® (IV®)
This guide provides instructions for receiving Enterprise Payment System (EPS) and USPS Ship (formerly Package Platform Concept (PPC)) data through the IV Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) application.
Provisioning Informed Delivery® Post-Campaign (IDPC) Data in Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR)
This guide provides instructions for receiving Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) detailed data through the IV Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) application.
Provisioning Mail Quality Data with Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking and Reporting
Mail Quality Data (MQD-IV) leverages the Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) application to enable mailers to receive uncapped Mail Quality Data.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Mail.XML Guide
This guide provides information about using MailXML™ to receive mail tracking data through the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Business Service Administrator (BSA) Instructions
This document provides an introduction to the Business Service Administrator (BSA) user level and information on its role in the United States Postal Service® (USPS®) Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) business service. It also provides step-by-step instructions for the tasks BSAs and BSA Delegates are responsible for.
IV-MTR Data Dictionaries
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) External Facing Data Dictionary
This document describes the data attributes available in the external-facing IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Sample Data Set
This workbook provides sample data for each data attribute available in the IV-MTR application for each mail object type.
Informed Delivery® Post-Campaign (IDPC) Data through IV-MTR® Data Dictionary
This document describes the Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) data fields available through the IV-MTR application.
Informed Delivery® Post-Campaign (IDPC) Data through IV-MTR® Sample Data Set
This workbook provides sample data for each Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) data field available in the IV-MTR application.
USPS Ship Data Dictionary
Detailed information on the USPS Ship (Formerly Package Platform) data elements available through the Informed Visibility Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Mail Object Navigator Data Fields
This document lists the fields available in the One Time Query's Mail Object Navigator.
IV-MTR Reference Materials
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Operation Codes List
This spreadsheet provides a list of operation codes (opcodes), also known as Scan Event Codes, for the IV-MTR application.
Automated Zone Indicator (AZI) Table
The AZI table lists each five-digit ZIP Code™ and is an indicator of the type of processing that typically takes place on letter mail destined for each ZIP Code.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) WSDL and XSD Files
This ZIP file contains the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and XML Schema Definition (XSD) files necessary to use MailXML™ to receive mail tracking data from IV-MTR.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Mail.XML Test Pull Messages
This ZIP file contains MailXML messages to test sending a pull request to the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Mail.XML™ Test Message SSL Certificate
This ZIP file includes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for MailXML™ test pull messages in the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Production Environment SSL Certificate
This ZIP file includes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the IV-MTR application at
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Test Environment SSL Certificate
This ZIP file includes the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) IV-MTR application at
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) SFTP Server Certificate
This ZIP file includes the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server certificate for the IV-MTR application at
Request for Assistance Forms
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Scan Data Delegation Request
This form allows a Delegating Company (i.e., Mailer ID [MID] Owner) to provide authorization for delegation of mail tracking visibility to a Receiving Company within the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Piece-Level One-Time Query Request
This form is to help users prepare to submit a one-time query for piece-level data, either on their own through the IV-MTR web application or assistance from the IV Solutions Center.
Informed Delivery® Post-Campaign (IDPC) through IV-MTR® Data Delegation Request
This form allows a Delegating Company (i.e., Mailer ID [MID] Owner) to provide authorization for delegation of Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) Detailed data visibility to a Receiving Company within the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) One-Time Query Request for Informed Delivery® Post-Campaign Data (IDPC)
This form is to help users prepare to submit a one-time query for Informed Delivery Post-Campaign (IDPC) Detailed data, either on their own through the IV-MTR web application or with assistance from the IV Solutions Center, after June 20, 2020.
Enterprise Payment System (EPS) through IV-MTR® Data Delegation Request
This form allows a Delegating Company (i.e., Mailer ID [MID] Owner) to provide authorization for delegation of Enterprise Payment System (EPS) data visibility to a Receiving Company within the IV-MTR application.
USPS Ship (Formerly Package Platform) through IV-MTR® Data Delegation Request
This form allows a Delegating Company (i.e., Mailer ID [MID] Owner) to provide authorization for delegation of USPS Ship (Formerly PPC) data visibility to a Receiving Company within the IV-MTR application.
Mail Quality Data (MQD) through IV-MTR® Data Delegation Request
This form allows a Delegating Company (i.e., Mailer ID [MID] Owner) to provide authorization for delegation of Mail Quality Data (MQD) visibility to a Receiving Company within the IV-MTR application.
Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Routing Code Visibility Request
This form allows the IV Solutions Center® to provide visibility of mail tracking data within the IV-MTR web application for specific Routing Codes (Zip Codes) based on a company’s business need.
IV-MTR API Developer Toolkit
The Developer Toolkit provides information about using the Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Application Programming Interface (API). The API enables the mailing industry to integrate mobile and web-based applications with near real-time IV-MTR data through a lightweight data exchange.
FAQs for the IV-MTR API
This document provides answers to FAQs for the IV-MTR API.
IV-MTR API Release Notes
These release notes summarize new features and enhancements implemented in deployments to the Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV®-MTR) Application Programming Interface (API).
MTAC User Group 4 for Mail Visibility
About Mailers' Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC) User Group 4
This document provides a brief description of MTAC User Group 4 for mail visibility and provides a contact for requesting to join the group.
Mail Tracking Vendors (not affiliated with USPS)
If your organization would like to have a third party handle your mail tracking data, the resources below provide contact information for a number of third party service providers who offer mail owner and mail service provider solutions.
The listed vendors are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. This list does not constitute endorsement or approval by the United States Postal Service. The list is open to all interested third party vendors. To be added to the list, please use the form below.
Mail Tracking Vendor List
This document provides contact information for a number of third-party service providers who offer mail owner and mail service provider solutions.
Mail Tracking Vendor List Request Form
Use this form to add your company’s contact information to the Mail Tracking Vendor List or to request changes to your existing entry.
Related Products
Electronic Documentation (eDoc)
To participate in Full-Service Intelligent Mail®, mailers must submit information electronically. This computer-consumable version replaces existing hardcopies and includes the following: postage statement and qualification report.
Enterprise Payment System
The Enterprise Payment System (EPS) allows customers to pay for products and services through an Enterprise Payment Account (EPA) funded as an Automated Clearing House (ACH) Debit or Trust Account. The EPS payment account management provides enhanced security features, centralized balance and account management, and a self-service customer experience.
Mail Quality Data through IV®-MTR
Mail Quality Data (MQD-IV) leverages the Informed Visibility® Mail Tracking & Reporting (IV-MTR) application to enable mailers to receive uncapped Mail Quality Data. Detailed error data from the Mailer Scorecard is available for Full Service, Move Update, eInduction, and Seamless Acceptance.
For more information, contact the IV Solutions Center at 1-800-238-3150, option #2 or