Product Tracking System II

The Product Tracking System enables sophisticated tracking capabilities for both mailers and shippers.

Who is PTS II for?




The United States Postal Service (USPS®) Product Tracking System (PTS) Release 1.5 occured on September 15, 2013.

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Release Notes
Product Tracking System PTS II Release Notes Release 1.5

The United States Postal Service (USPS) Product Tracking System (PTS) Release 1.5 will occur on September 15, 2013. These External Release Notes are prepared to notify you of the changes that were implemented and how they affected the following areas

Release Notes
Product Tracking System PTS II Release Notes Release 1.4

The United States Postal Service (USPS) Product Tracking System (PTS) Release 1.4 occurred on July 28, 2013. These Release Notes are prepared to notify you of the changes that were implemented and how they affected the following areas.

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Electronic Verification System (eVS®)

The Electronic Verification System (eVS®) enables parcel mailers to submit documentation and pay postage by transmitting electronic manifest files to the eVS database.

Testing Environment for Mailers (TEM) Using Mail.Dat

The Test Environment for mailers (TEM) is a test platform designed to allow mailers to test their ability to submit electronic mailing information such as Full Service (FS) mailings to the Postal Service. In this platform mailers can submit their electronic mailing information generated from their presort software to the Postal Service.

Testing Environment for Mailers (TEM) Using Mail.XML

Although not required, mailers using software pre-approved by USPS may choose to test their ability to submit electronic mailing information by using the Test Environment for Mailers (TEM).