Electronic Documentation (eDoc)

To participate in Full-Service Intelligent Mail®, mailers must submit information electronically. This computer-consumable version replaces existing hardcopies and includes the following: postage statement and qualification report.


Industry Training Sessions  Business Customer Gateway (BCG) / Postal Wizard (PW), Intelligent Mail for Small Business Tool, and Automated Certificate of Mailing

The Postal Service will host bi-weekly webinars to educate our Industry customers on USPS programs aimed to ease the mailing process.  The topics will include using the Business Customer Gateway (BCG) / Postal Wizard (PW) and Intelligent Mail for Small Business Tool (IMsb Tool) applications, as well as Automated Certificate of Mailing.  

Join us for the next session – Automated Certificate of Mailing – held on Tuesday, September 24, at 1:00 PM EST.

•    Meeting URL:  https://usps.zoomgov.com/j/1603767418?pwd=TTFONWNVMXQ2UW1wcUVCcEt5WFllZz09  
              o    Meeting ID: 160 376 7418
              o    Password: 996767
•    If requested, enter your name and email address.
•    Enter meeting password: 996767
•    Join Audio by the options below: 
              o    Call using Internet Audio
              o    Dial: 1-855-860-4313, 1-678-317-3330 or 1-952-229-5070 & follow prompts 


A recording of this session is available here: Industry Session: Business Customer Gateway and Postal Wizard Recording



Using the eDoc is required for participation in Full-Service Intelligent Mail and streamlines operational efficiency by replacing hardcopy reports with electronic file submission. There are three ways to submit eDocs to PostalOne!®

  1. Postal Wizard: Enter Postage Statement information into the PostalOne! website. Available for Full-Service mailings under 10,000 pieces. A manual process, which only supports entry of simple mailings.
  2. Mail.dat: Mailing database created by most software that contains all the information about your mailing, excluding the addresses. Mail.dat submission is the established industry standard and the optimal solution for most mailings.
  3. Mail.XML: A mail communication tool available from advanced software packages that sends only the required mailing information directly to USPS. It's the new industry standard, which is also optimal for most mailings.

Mail.dat® and Mail.XML® users must go through TEM processing (Testing Environment for Mailers). Traditional TEM certification can take weeks, but USPS offers a streamlined process to TEM-certified software users. Work with your USPS contacts for best results.

Featured Resources

Fact Sheets
Postal Wizard Fact Sheet

Postal Wizard is an online tool that gives small-volume mailers a secure, electronic means for submitting postage statements and simplifies calculating postage, checking balance and fees, and viewing mailing reports and mailing history.

Fact Sheets
Intelligent Mail® for Small Business (IMsb) Fact Sheet

This fact sheet contains an overview of the IMsb Tool, its benefits, and how it works.

User Guides
Electronic Documentation (eDoc) and Full-Service Authorization Guide for Software Vendors using Mail.dat

This document contains a user guide on eDoc and Full-Service software vendors.

User Guides
Electronic Documentation (eDoc) and Full-Service Authorization Guide for Software Vendors using Mail.XML

This document contains a user guide for eDoc and Full-Service vendors usings Mail.xml.

Industry Session: Business Customer Gateway and Postal Wizard

This industry presentation provides an overview of the Business Customer Gateway (BCG) and Postal Wizard for new users. 


Related Products

Customer Registration ID (CRID)

The USPS® Customer Registration ID (CRID) is a unique number that identifies a specific business location involved in a mailing. In order to submit electronic documentation (and receive Full-Service benefits), customers must have a customer registration ID assigned to their business location. 

Mailer Identifier (MID)

The Mailer Identifier (MID) is a field within the Intelligent Mail barcode that is used to identify mailers. MIDs are assigned by the USPS® to a Mail Owner, Mailing Agent or other service providers who request them.

Seamless Acceptance

Seamless Acceptance automates the entry and verification of commercial mailings by leveraging electronic documentation, Intelligent Mail barcodes (IMbs), and information collected from handheld sampling devices and mail processing equipment scans.


The electronic Induction (eInduction) process simplifies the induction of drop shipments and expedited plant load mailings by leveraging existing eDoc, Intelligent Mail Container barcode (IMcb), and handheld scanner technologies to verify payment and preparation of commercial mail containers.

Mailer Scorecard

The Mailer Scorecard provides a dashboard view of the results of the letter and flat mailing activity with the Postal Service over a calendar month. This view is available to both the mailer who submitted the electronic documentation for the mailing (eDoc submitter) and the mail owner/mail preparer.