JACKPOT CRID/MID Application for Mail Service Providers

Full-Service eDoc submitters are required to accurately identify the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer in the eDoc. Currently, MSPs often profile volumes that meet the less than 5,000 piece By/For Exception as themselves being the Mail Owner.  This causes By/For error code 7140 (Mail Owner and Mail Preparer are the same entity) to be logged.

MSP’s who prepare mailings that include mail owners with less than 5,000 pieces per owner and are meeting 90% Full-Service of eligible volume, may request authorization to use a  JACKPOT CRID/MID for identification of this volume. Correct use of this authorized JACKPOT CRID/MID will eliminate error code 7140 reporting for mailers that are preparing mail under the By/For Exception rule when a mail owner is presenting fewer than 5,000 pieces to the USPS in a mailing.

To apply please email this application with the Subject Line "Jackpot CRID" with Company Name and Current CRID" to Postalone@usps.gov or call the PostalOne! Helpdesk (800) 522-9085.

September 22, 2016