Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS)

The official mail accounting system (OMAS) is used to track transactional activity by Federal agencies.

Penalty Mail

The term penalty mail refers to Official Mail, sent by U.S. government agencies, relating solely to the business of the U.S. government, that is authorized by law to be carried in the mail without prepayment of postage. For this standard, agencies are departments, agencies, corporations, establishments, commissions, committees, and all officers and authorities of the U.S. government authorized to use penalty mail.

Reporting Penalty Mail

The channels for reporting penalty mail activity into OMAS are:

  • Business Mail: Postage Statements/invoices entered through PostalOne!
  • Meter activity: Customers add funds or receive adjustments for meters through the National Meter Activity Tracking System (NMATS)
  • Priority Mail Express: transactions entered through RSS and transmitted through Electronic Marketing Reporting System (EMRS)
  • Stamps: order through Kansas City (PS Form 17-G) transmitted through Solutions for Enterprise Asset Management (SEAM)

Note: If any agency uses PME (Priority Mail Express), then the charges will flow through EMRS to OMAS or via EVS to OMAS.​

Franked Mail

Franked Mail is Official mail from Members of Congress sent without prepayment of postage and bears instead either a written or printed facsimile signature or a specified marking.

OMAS Funding Process

Form 1952 (Agency Estimates-Form) is sent to an agency's mail manager in July of each year. Annual estimates should be based on the agency’s prior year penalty mail usage adjusted  to reflect any changes expected during the coming year.

The agency must complete the following:

  • Agency Name
  • Agency Federal Agency Code
  • Agency Location Code
  • Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)
  • Annual Estimate Amount 
  • Document Reference/Purchase Order Number (PO)
  • Agency Contact Information

Note: If the TAS and PO are not completed, the USPS will use previous year’s information. (see 1952 exhibit)

Agencies should return their 1952 to the USPS Eagan Accounting Service Center by mail or email at in early September. If a completed form is not received from the agency, an IPAC will be initiated for the new Fiscal Year using an estimated postage use based on an annualized figure using actual data through August plus 10%.

The Postal Service bills agencies monthly based on 1/12 of their estimates. USPS will monitor the agency’s actual usage on a monthly basis to determine if a revised form 1952 is required.  Estimates are collected through Intra-governmental Payment and Collection System (IPAC), U.S. Department of the Treasury’s electronic funds transfer system.

Note: Agencies may amend their annual estimates throughout the year by sending a new form 1952. Agencies can request a blank form 1952 via or download it on PostalPro.

End of Year Settlements

At the close of the government fiscal year, there is a final truing-up of agency OMAS accounts.

If the agency’s annual estimate is less than actual usage, they will receive an invoice for the difference. The invoice will be collected via IPAC around mid-October. If the agency’s annual estimate is greater than actual usage, they will receive a credit for the difference and will receive a refund via an IPAC payment around mid-October. 

For more information on Postage Options, please visit