Intelligent Mail Guides and Specs
For those new to Full-Service Intelligent Mail, there are several guides, specifications and manuals that will get you started and give a broad overview of the fundamentals of the program.
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The Postal Service has three key initiatives to streamline the acceptance, induction, and verification of commercial mailings: Full-Service Intelligent Mail, eInduction, and Seamless Acceptance. These key initiatives leverage existing technology to:
- Improve mail quality by sharing information on mail preparation, identification of trends as well as trend-based quality measurements
- Simplify the induction of mailings through automated and standardized acceptance, verification, and induction processes
- Provide end-to-end visibility through scan data
These changes allow for greater insight into mail quality and reporting.
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A Guide to Full Service
This guide will assist users in complying with Section 705.24 and others in the Mailing Standards of the U.S. Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) that involve the requirements of two Federal Register notices on the use of Full-Service Intelligent Mail to qualify for automation prices when the mail pieces are First-Class, Standard, Periodicals, or Bound Printed Matter.
Guide to Seamless Acceptance
The Seamless Acceptance guide has been made part of the Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats.
Guide to Move Update
The Move Update standard is a means of reducing the number of mailpieces in a mailing that require forwarding or return by the periodic matching of a mailer’s address records with change-of-address orders received and maintained by the Postal Service.
Service Type Identifier (STID) Quick Service Guide
This document provides quick information about the STID (Service Type Identifier) - a three-digit numeric code used within the Intelligent Mail® barcode (IMb™).
Publication 401: Guide to the Manifest Mailing System
This publication provides information on the Manifest Mailing System, which automates the documentation of postage and fees for all pieces in a mailing paid via permit imprint indicia.
Publication 407: Optional Procedure Mailing System (OPMS)
This document covers OPMS basics, mailer responsibilities and requirements, and the request process for OPMS.
Unique Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb) Testing for Postal Wizard Details
This document is a detailed Postal Wizard Guide for certification and testing of Unique IMb.
Unique Intelligent Mail® Barcode (IMb) Testing for Postal Wizard Summary
This guide gives an overview of the procedures for testing Unique IMbs.