Periodicals Accuracy Grading and Evaluation (PAGE) Program

The PAGE program evaluates publication and print planning (ppp) software to determine its accuracy in calculating the percentage of advertising according to Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) standards.

Who is PAGE for?

PAGE certification is available to developers of software products.



Certification Programs
  • CASS™
  • MASS™
  • Periodicals Accuracy Grading and Evaluation (PAGE) Program


The Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) program evaluates publication and print planning (ppp) software to determine its accuracy in calculating the percentage of advertising according to DMM standards. PAGE certification allows Periodicals mailers to forego the submission of marked copies for every edition of every issue, unless otherwise requested by postal officials. 

Note: Participation in the program is purely voluntary.


There are two types of certification.

Product Certification

Product certification is available to companies who write their own print production and planning software to facilitate postal calculations of virtual percentage of advertising. The software products may be available to mailers for purchase (retail product) or developed for internal use only (proprietary software).

When purchasing the testing package, developers will ship the completed pre-certification survey and the software to the PAGE team for analysis of the calculation algorithms and procedures.

Upon successful completion of testing, developers are awarded a certificate indicating their company name, the product name and the version certified.

User Certification

Upon product certification or purchase of a PAGE-certified product, user certification is available to those who will operate the software. User’s certification requires submission of an electronic layout of a current (largest) edition of their publication along with a manually marked copy of the same issue/edition. Users must complete a written examination of fundamental knowledge of current Periodicals mailing requirements and regulations. Participants must score a 90% or better to pass the exam. Upon successful completion of testing, users are awarded a certificate indicating their name, company name, publication(s), and the particular product they are certified to use.

Certification is valid for two years if there are no significant changes or enhancements to the accuracy percentage calculation logic or weight calculation logic.

Featured Resources

Tech Guides
Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) Technical Guide

This guide provides technical information for the PAGE program, which evaluates publication and print planning (ppp) software to determine its accuracy in calculating the percentage of advertising according to DMM® standards.

Contact Lists
Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) Certified Developer List

The PAGE Certified Products List contains software products that have passed the rigorous requirements of Phase 1 of the PAGE program for developers.

Contact Lists
Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) Certified User List

This document provides a listing of all certified PAGE specialists.

Applications/ Forms
Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) Developer's Application

This is an application form for PAGE developers.

Applications/ Forms
Periodicals Accuracy, Grading, and Evaluation (PAGE) User's Application

This is an application form for Periodical Accuracy Grading and Evaluation (PAGE) users.



For more information about the PAGE program, contact us at 800-238-3150 Call: 800-238-3150 or