Electronic Verification System (eVS®)

The Electronic Verification System (eVS®) enables parcel mailers to submit documentation and pay postage by transmitting electronic manifest files to the eVS database.

Who is eVS for?




Because eVS integrates with other systems and business processes for data collection and performance measurement, eVS makes it easy for customers to prepare and induct parcel mailings, streamlining their internal business processes as well as those with the Postal Service.

Mailers who use eVS receive these key features and benefits:

  • A single national permit account for all mailing sites
  • No permit imprint application fee (annual mailing permit fees will apply if required for a mail class; however, mailers migrating to eVS are not required to pay additional annual fees if their annual fees are current with an existing local permit at the time the eVS permit is opened; annual fees are due for the eVS permit for eligible mail classes at the time of the annual fee’s renewal)
  • Bypass traditional Mail Acceptance/Verification process at Business Mail Entry Unit; enter mail directly at Origin or Destination facilities
  • Flexible mail entry time with FAST appointment
  • Elimination of the PS Form 8125 for Drop-Shipments
  • Electronic postage statements generated from the SSF are visible in PostalOne!® along with additional account monitoring and mailing data reports

Featured Resources

Data Files
User Guides
Quick Guide to Electronic Verification System (eVS®)

This document provides short, digestible information on Electronic Verification System (eVS).

Contact Lists
Publication 205 eVS Electronic Verification System Pre-certified

Software certified for mailers to use eVS for parcel shipping

Applications/ Forms
Electronic Verification System (eVS®) Application

Mailers interested in eVS must complete this application and email the completed application to the PostalOne! Help Desk at eVS@usps.gov.

Quick Service Guides
Quick Guide to Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) Vendor Certification

This document outlines how to obtain  Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) Vendor Certification.

Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets
Retirement of USPS Meter Label Solution

USPS will retire the Windows-based desktop shipping client application know as Meter Label Solutions by July 27, 2018.

User Guides
USPS Package Intercept® User Guide

You can use the United States Postal Service’s (USPS’s) Package Intercept Commercial Service application to intercept a package through the Business Customer Gateway at USPS.com.

eVS® File Layouts

Tech Guides
eVS® File Format v1.7

Appendix B: Shipping Services File Version 1.7 (as of 12/31/2020).

Tech Guides
eVS® File Format v2.0

Appendix C: Shipping Services File Version 2.0 (as of 12/31/2020).

eVS® Publications & Instructions

Quick Service Guides
Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) API Customer Guide

This document provides a customer reference guide for Parcel Data Exchange (PDX) Web Application API.

Quick Service Guides
User Guides
Parcel Labeling Guide

This document has been developed to make it easier to create and use labels on parcels shipped via the United States Postal Service® (USPS®). While some flexibility exists in design of shipping labels, using these standards will make label certification easier and make processing your parcels more efficient.

Related Products

Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb)

The Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpb) provides the best commercial prices with the largest discount available, piece-level tracking information at no additional charge for most products, and access to new products, services, and enhanced features. The addition of two (2) supplemental IMmb’s to the existing IMpb on a USPS shipping label results in enhanced package visibility with less mail rework.

Intelligent Mail® Package Barcode (IMpb) ACS™

IMpb ACS allows parcel mailers who print the Intelligent Mail package barcode to receive an electronic address correction using that barcode.


For more information about the eVS® product, contact us at 877-264-9693Image removed. or eVS@usps.gov