The electronic Induction (eInduction) process simplifies the induction of drop shipments and expedited plant load mailings by leveraging existing eDoc, Intelligent Mail Container barcode (IMcb), and handheld scanner technologies to verify payment and preparation of commercial mail containers.
Who is eInduction for?
Mailers and MSPs participating in Full-Service.
First Class Mail
Standard Mail
Latest Updates
One of the key initiatives of the United States Postal Service, eInduction eliminates the need for paper PS Forms 8125 and 8017 and manual reconciliation at the entry facility. The eInduction program was successfully deployed in October 2013 with minimal disruption at entry docks in this significant transformation. Over 46.5% of total plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) containers are participating in the eInduction program as of July 2015.
Participating mailers enjoy 3 key benefits:
- Streamlined mail induction process: Increased use of data through eInduction speeds mail induction of containers. It enables quicker appointment processing in the Facility Access Shipment Tracking (FAST) online system, it eliminates the need for clerks to manually reconcile containers against paper documentation (PS Forms 8125 and 8017), and it provides 24/7 appointment resolution.
- More accurate mail preparation process: Electronic processes simplify mail preparation, improve accuracy, and reduce delays, errors, and the possibility of rejection of shipment by an entry facility. This greatly increases the likelihood of seamless induction into the mailstream and on-time delivery.
- Data-driven process enabling transparency and future improvements: Improved reporting, coupled with scanning technologies deployed throughout the Postal Service network, enable an unprecedented level of visibility into the mailstream. Mailers have the tools to actively manage their accounts and understand what is happening to their mail at a container level.
Participation in the eInduction process is limited to mailings and mailers that meet specific rules governing container preparation and electronic and physical mail preparation. Validations of the eInduction requirements take place throughout the eInduction process at eDoc upload, pre-induction, and induction.
eInduction High-Level Participation Criteria:
- Use eDoc submission (Mail.dat, Mail.MXL, Postal Wizard)
- Apply unique IMcb to containers
- Finalize postage statements prior to induction (unless registering Continuous Mailer ID)
- Use eInduction Eligible Mail Class/Processing Category
- Use eInduction Eligible Container Types
- Entry Point Facility Type Considerations: the entry location has to be correct per the Mail Direction File.
- All eInduction containers must ship with a unique Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMcb) printed on the pallet placard. The barcode must not be reused for at least 45 days. For additional detail on Intelligent Mail container barcodes refer to the Intelligent Mail Container Barcode Specifications.
Featured Resources
Publication 804: Drop Shipment Procedures for Destination Entry
This publication provides information on Drop Shipment Procedures for Destination Entry.
eInduction SV Facilities List
This document contains SV-enabled induction facilities in CSV format.
eInduction Surface Visibility Sites
This document contains a list of surface visibility-enabled eInduction facilities in CSV format.
Related Products
Drop Shipment Management System (DSMS)
The Drop Shipment Management System (DSMS) program allows authorized users to streamline the Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) process through consolidating PVDS documentation from multiple jobs and mailing locations in electronic files.
Intelligent Mail® Container Barcode (IMcb)
The Intelligent Mail® Container barcode (IMcb) will be applied to Mailer-generated container labels and is designed to be scanned at acceptance and at other points throughout transportation and processing. The Intelligent Mail Container barcode allows each container to be associated with a unique mailing and facilitates tracking of containers throughout the mail processing network.
Mailer Identifier (MID)
The Mailer Identifier (MID) is a field within the Intelligent Mail barcode that is used to identify mailers. MIDs are assigned by the USPS® to a Mail Owner, Mailing Agent or other service providers who request them.
Electronic Documentation (eDoc)
To participate in Full-Service Intelligent Mail®, mailers must submit information electronically. This computer-consumable version replaces existing hardcopies and includes the following: postage statement and qualification report.
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST®)
The Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST®) system allows mailers to provide advanced notification of drop shipment and origin entered mailings into postal facilities. FAST provides business mail owners, preparers, and schedulers enhanced visibility of their scheduled mailings at each facility. To make an appointment, log in to your FAST account.
For questions about eInduction, please call 1-800-522-9085 or email intelligentmailsupport@usps.gov.