Fact Sheets

Various Fact Sheets to Serve as Reference Guides.


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Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for Package Services Flats

This document is for mailers who are sending Flat-size Bound Printed Matter (such as catalogs) using the Presorted or Carrier Route prices or Flat-size Media Mail or Library Mail (such as large envelopes) using the Presorted prices.

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for First-Class Flats

This document is for mailers who are sending flat-size mail (such as large envelopes) at Automation and Presorted First-Class Mail prices.

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for USPS Marketing Mail Flats

This document is for business mailers who are sending flat-size USPS Marketing Mail (such as large envelopes, catalogs, and circulars). To use the USPS Marketing Mail prices, you must send at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail at a time, prepared and sorted according to Postal Service guidelines.

Fact Sheets
Customer Registration Identification (CRID) and Mailer Identifier (MID) Acquisition Fact Sheet

This document provides an overview of the methods customers can use to request a Mailer ID (MID) or Customer Registration ID (CRID) from the Postal Service.

Fact Sheets
Full-Service Electronic Verification Automated Assessment Process Fact Sheet

In November 2016, the USPS began assessments for Full-Service Mail Quality Metrics determined to be over the established threshold in a calendar month.

Fact Sheets
Full-Service Palletization Fact Sheet

The following guidelines should be followed when determining if a pallet should be prepared and placarded.

Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets
Intelligent Mail® for Small Business (IMsb) Fact Sheet

This fact sheet contains an overview of the IMsb Tool, its benefits, and how it works.

Fact Sheets
IMpb Fact Sheet

This document is an overview of the IMpb verification process.

Fact Sheets
Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) and Qualified Business Reply Mail

Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) is Business Reply Mail type that utilizes the enhanced processing capability of Intelligent Mail barcode Accounting (IMbA) to reduce processing times and ensure QBRM mailers receive reply mail and invoices quickly.

Tech Guides
Intelligent Mail Tray Label Technical Fact Sheet

This document provides fact sheet providing technical specifications on the acquisition, implementation, and benefits of the Intelligent Mail Tray Label.

Fact Sheets
Mail Anywhere Fact Sheet

Mailers have the opportunity to use the same permit at any location via the Mail Anywhere program. 

Fact Sheets
Move Update Methods Requirements Fact Sheet

This fact sheet identifies the variety of products and services that help improve the accuracy of mailing lists, the quality of the physical addresses, and provide Change-of-Address (COA) information.

Fact Sheets
Permit Fee Waiver Fact Sheet

This document provides information on Full-service annual presort fee waivers.

Fact Sheets
Seamless Acceptance: Mailer Fact Sheet

Participation Criteria To participate in Seamless Acceptance all pieces must be uniquely barcoded, included in electronic documentation (eDoc) and mailers must meet the following requirements