Targets for Market Dominant Products

Service performance targets for Market Dominant products can be found below. These targets are aggressive and were developed based on customer expectations, current levels of performance, system capabilities, degree of operational difficulty, product differentiation and economic realities. 

As background, the USPS has an annual Establish cycle which involves review of our achievements and develops target proposals for each FY. The Establish cycle takes into account the above criteria before recommending a set of targets for our Board of Governors to review and approve. Within 30 days of Board of Governor approval these targets are shared with the Postal Regulatory Commission and our stakeholders.

The USPS is committed to continuous improvement as well as implementing service improvements at the least cost. The new measurement systems will assist in this by providing more actionable data for both the USPS and mailers. By using these data, mailers and the USPS will make their operational processes more effective and efficient, and mail can be kept a viable entity well into the 21st century.