Featured Resources
Area Mailing Industry Focus Groups
The Area Mailing Industry Focus Groups serve as a vehicle of communications between customers and the Postal Service advocating issues and supporting the needs of the First Class, Periodicals and Standard Mail industries.
Areas Inspiring Mail Calendar
The Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Calendar will displays upcoming events.
Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Co-Chairs and Coordinators
This document lists the Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Co-Chairs and Coordinators and their contact information by area.
Barcode Certification
Barcode Certification information will assist you in obtaining USPS certification for your Confirmation Services barcodes and your electronic file submissions
Barcode Certification / Confirmation Services Contact Information
Contact delivery.confirmation@usps.gov.
Parcel Labeling Guide
This document has been developed to make it easier to create and use labels on parcels shipped via the United States Postal Service® (USPS®). While some flexibility exists in design of shipping labels, using these standards will make label certification easier and make processing your parcels more efficient.
Business Mail Acceptance: Assistance and Escalation
Area Marketing Manager Directory
This document provides contact information for area marketing managers.
Business Mail Acceptance: Automated Business Reply Mail® (ABRM) Tool Resources
A web-based, self-service tool created to assist Reply Mail customers with creating domestic Courtesy Reply Mail CRM)™, Business Reply Mail (BRM)®, and Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM)™ artwork for card and letter-size mailpieces.
Automated Business Reply Mail® (ABRM) Brochure
This brochure provides an overview of the ABRM tool, its benefits, and a quick guide for getting started.
Automated Business Reply Mail® (ABRM) Instructional Guide
This document contains an instructional guide on how to use the ABRM tool.
Business Mailer/Major Mail Support
Business Acceptance Solutions & Major Mailer Support Directory
This document provides a contact list for Business Acceptance Solutions (formerly Business Mailer Support) & Major Mailer Support
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST®)
The Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST) system allows mailers to provide advance notification of drop shipment and origin entered mailings into postal facilities. FAST provides Mail Owners, Mail Preparers, and Schedulers enhanced visibility of their scheduled mailings at each facility.
Facility Access and Shipment Tracking (FAST®) Appointments
The FAST application collects and monitors appointment data for U.S. postal facilities.
Creating FAST® Appointments for Mixed Periodicals
This document provides an overview of FAST® appointments for mixed periodicals.
Federal Register Notices
The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations.
Federal Register Notices (Entire Collection)
The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations.
Federal Register Notices (USPS® Only)
The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, including USPS documents.
International Mail Manual
The International Mail Manual sets forth the conditions and procedures for the preparation and treatment of mail sent from the United States to other countries and the treatment of mail received from other countries.
International Mailers Advisory Group
The International Mailers Advisory Group mission is to address barriers to the efficient flow of information and goods across borders for companies utilizing postal services.
Periodical Critical Entry Times (CET)
Standardized Periodicals Critical Entry Times (CET) FAQs
This document provides frequently asked questions and answers about Standardized Periodicals Critical Entry Times.
Periodicals Critical Entry Times (CET) Memo
This message describes changes to the standardized National Destination Critical Entry Times (CET) for periodical mailing customers.
Press Releases
Postal Regulatory Commission Press Releases
Press releases from the Postal Regulatory Commission can be found here.
USPS® Press Releases
USPS press releases can be found here.