Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) No Stat Counts
This document contains the No Stats Count Data file for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software Instructions (Windows)
This docoument provides instructions for Windows conversion software for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Products on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF)
Beginning October 2014, all Address Quality and Address Management products will be provided via the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) method.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Products on Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF)
Beginning October 2014, all Address Quality and Address Management products will be provided via the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) method.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Sample ZIP Code™ Password
The CDS Sample ZIP Code file requires a password.
Delivery Unit Summary Form
The Delivery Unit Summary form must be completed in its entirety in order to request DMM® 507.8 Service.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) User Guide
This document contains a user guide for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Application/Renewal Form
This document contains the application and renewal form for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Application/Renewal Form
This document contains the application and renewal form for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) User Guide
This document contains a user guide for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) FAQs
This document provides frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) FAQs
This document provides frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers for the CDS product.
Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) Web Access Request Form (PS 5116)
This form is used to create a Web-based account with the Addressing and Geospatial Technology (AGT) office which will be utilized to retrieve/download files from the Electronic Product Fulfillment (EPF) website.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Customer Web List
The CDS Customer Web List provides business customer contact information.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Customer Web List
The CDS Customer Web List provides business customer contact information.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software User Guide (Linux-Unix-Sun32)
This document contains the Linux/ Unix conversion software user guide for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software User Guide (Windows)
This document contains the Windows software conversion user guide for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Brochure
The Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) program provides updated delivery sequence information to qualified mailers.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Brochure
The Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) program provides updated delivery sequence information to qualified mailers.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) No Stat Info
This document contains the No Stat data sheet for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software (Windows)
This document contains the Windows conversion software for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software (Windows7)
This document contains Windows 7 Conversion software for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Renewal Web Access Request Form
This document contains a web access request form for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Sample ZIP Code™
This document contains sample ZIP Code™ file for CDS.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software (Unix-Sun32)
This document contains the Unix (Sun-32) conversion software for the CDS product.
Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) Conversion Software (Linux)
This document contains the Linux conversion software for the CDS product.