Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for First-Class Flats

This document is for mailers who are sending flat-size mail (such as large envelopes) at Automation and Presorted First-Class Mail prices.

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for Package Services Flats

This document is for mailers who are sending Flat-size Bound Printed Matter (such as catalogs) using the Presorted or Carrier Route prices or Flat-size Media Mail or Library Mail (such as large envelopes) using the Presorted prices.

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for Package Services Flats

This document is for mailers who are sending Flat-size Bound Printed Matter (such as catalogs) using the Presorted or Carrier Route prices or Flat-size Media Mail or Library Mail (such as large envelopes) using the Presorted prices.

Addressing Fact Sheet for Periodicals Flats

An overview of new address requirements for mailers who are sending flat-size Periodicals (such as magazines and newspapers).

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for USPS Marketing Mail Flats

This document is for business mailers who are sending flat-size USPS Marketing Mail (such as large envelopes, catalogs, and circulars). To use the USPS Marketing Mail prices, you must send at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail at a time, prepared and sorted according to Postal Service guidelines.

Fact Sheets
Addressing Fact Sheet for USPS Marketing Mail Flats

This document is for business mailers who are sending flat-size USPS Marketing Mail (such as large envelopes, catalogs, and circulars). To use the USPS Marketing Mail prices, you must send at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail at a time, prepared and sorted according to Postal Service guidelines.

Fact Sheets
New Address Requirements for Automation, Presorted, and Carrier Route Flat-Size Mail

The Postal Service adopts new address placement and formatting requirements for Periodicals, Standard Mail®, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail®, and Library Mail flat-size pieces sent at automation, presorted, or carrier route prices. 

New Address Standards for Commercial Flat-Size Mail Presentation

This presentation outlines the standards for commercial flat-size mail including address characteristics and placement, Federal register overview, mailpiece examples, and FAQ's.

Fact Sheets
New Address Standards for Flat-Size Mail Poster

New address placement standards apply to all Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Package Services flats mailed at presort, carrier route, and automation prices (optional for First-Class Mail). This document provides detailed information on address placement.